Yummy Oreo Brownies!

The photo pinned online with the step by step process to making these awesome brownies

The photo pinned online with the step by step process to making these awesome brownies!

Typically when I get hungry, my favorite past time is repinning every single recipe on Pinterest that I can find. And usually, this does not end well. The drooling begins, my belly starts to grumble, and I feel utterly dissatisfied, yet vaguely ambitious to go to the nearest grocery store, buy every ingredient I can find, and whip up some sort of creation in the kitchen. However, this is not the case. As a college student, I find that I need some sort of motivation to make something special, so when my boyfriend and my six month anniversary approached (waaayyyyy back in the beginning of this year) I decided to make him an awesome meal! My two best friends, who just so happened to be Italian and mega cooks, did not trust me alone in the kitchen, therefore, for the dinner I may have gotten some assistance. Yet, the dessert was allllllll mine! I found this recipe a while ago and thought it looked simple enjoy, yet be absolutely delicious. And delicious it was!

Posted on http://www.foodlve.com by user Chocolate_, these brownies are really simple to do, and were my first Pinterest food success story. The link is posted below, along with a photo of my finished product; if I had known I would have started something like this, I would have taken many more photos, including the baking process (so I apologize for the lack of photos accompanying this post). Anyways, the link will take you to the recipe, which I really did not have any complaints, nor additional suggestions for. My one suggestion is for all my peanut butter lovers out there. If you, like me, adore peanut butter and believe it is one of the most essential food products out there on the market today, feel free to load on the peanut butter! You may think it’ll overflow the cupcake liner, but once it bakes, the peanut butter will compact itself beneath the brownie batter.

This is an image of my finished product. I absolutely loved how awesome the inside of the brownie looked after taking the initial bite.

This is an image of my finished product. I absolutely loved how awesome the inside of the brownie looked after taking the initial bite.

I definitely plan on making these again, perhaps over the holiday season when I’m home and not as busy as I am now!


Any thoughts?